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AFSN Annual Meeting 2023

The Asian Forensic Sciences Network (AFSN) was formed in 2008 with the purpose of having a platform for forensic scientists in Asia to come together to discuss, share, and advance forensic science. We have grown from 6 member institutes from 6 countries in 2008 to 64 member institutes from 17 countries (as at November 2022). Currently, AFSN has 9 technical workgroups (Crime Scene Investigation, Digital Forensics, DNA, Fingerprint, Forensic Medicine, Illicit Drugs, Toxicology, Trace Evidence, Questioned Document) and a Quality Assurance and Standards Committee. AFSN holds an annual meeting every year for its members.

California Association of Crime Laboratory Directors (CACLD)

The California Association of Crime Laboratory Directors grew out of its predecessor organization, the Criminalistics Management Association (CMA). It was founded in the 1960’s by many of the same criminalists who founded the California Association of Criminalists.