Benvenuti a foster+freeman®
Da oltre 40 anni all’avanguardia nella tecnologia al servizio delle scienze forensi
Gli ultimi prodotti
Tecnologia d’avanguardia per le scienze forensi
Nuovo prodotto: MVC® FFLEX RANGE
Il nuovo standard di settore nelle camere di fumigazione per cianoacrilato
Nuovo prodotto: DISCOVER®
Scopri DISCOVER: un nuovo modo di massimizzare la ricerca, il rilevamento e l’imaging delle tracce sulla scena del crimine o in laboratorio
Crime-lite® AUTO
Visualizzazione ed evidenziazione semplificate delle impronte digitali
Crime-lite® LASER
La nostra fonte di luce ad oggi più avanzata
The latest updates from foster+freeman
Identity Week Asia 2023
IDENTITY WEEK is the most important identity event in Asia.
IDENTITY WEEK is a conference and exhibition bringing together the brightest minds in the identity sector to promote innovation, new thinking, and more effective identity solutions.
7th - 8th November 2023
Intergraf Currency + Identity 2023
Continuously growing, Intergraf Currency+Identity connects technological innovators and institutional end users since 1976.
The Conference and Exhibition provide excellent opportunities to meet colleagues and customers, and to establish new contacts with leading executives of security printing companies, central banks, and law enforcement from across the world.
18th - 20th October 2023
AFSN Annual Meeting 2023
The Asian Forensic Sciences Network (AFSN) was formed in 2008 with the purpose of having a platform for forensic scientists in Asia to come together to discuss, share, and advance forensic science. We have grown from 6 member institutes from 6 countries in 2008 to 64 member institutes from 17 countries (as at November 2022). Currently, AFSN has 9 technical workgroups (Crime Scene Investigation, Digital Forensics, DNA, Fingerprint, Forensic Medicine, Illicit Drugs, Toxicology, Trace Evidence, Questioned Document) and a Quality Assurance and Standards Committee. AFSN holds an annual meeting every year for its members.
11th - 15th September 2023
Interforensics 2023
One of the biggest Forensic Sciences events in the world and the biggest in Latin America, InterForensics takes the seal and expertise of the Justice for Science Foundation, responsible for organizing and offering a unique experience!
28th - 31st August 2023
Romania Defence And Security Trade Mission
We are delighted to announce that ADS and the Department for Business and Trade UK Defence and Security Exports will be hosting a Defence & Security Trade Mission to Bucharest. Starting in 2017, Romania has committed to spend at least 2.0% of GDP annually on defence through 2027. In 2022 the defence budget was increased to 2.5% of GDP. The increased spending level offers a clear opportunity for the UK defence and security sectors. Romania is also looking to modernise its own defence industry through international partnerships.
13th June 2023
Industry-academia engagement boosts forensic innovation at foster+freeman
Learn more about The Organization of Scientific Area Committees and the expansion of its guidelines to cover non-traditional laboratories.
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