Benvenuti a foster+freeman®
Da oltre 40 anni all’avanguardia nella tecnologia al servizio delle scienze forensi
Gli ultimi prodotti
Tecnologia d’avanguardia per le scienze forensi
Nuovo prodotto: MVC® FFLEX RANGE
Il nuovo standard di settore nelle camere di fumigazione per cianoacrilato
Nuovo prodotto: DISCOVER®
Scopri DISCOVER: un nuovo modo di massimizzare la ricerca, il rilevamento e l’imaging delle tracce sulla scena del crimine o in laboratorio
Crime-lite® AUTO
Visualizzazione ed evidenziazione semplificate delle impronte digitali
Crime-lite® LASER
La nostra fonte di luce ad oggi più avanzata
The latest updates from foster+freeman
Webinar – National Forensic Science Week 2023
In this webinar we discuss National Forensic Science week 2023! We will discuss forensic science makes to the criminal justice system. How forensic science makes a positive difference for public safety and the truth. We will looks at all of the positive impacts forensic science has had on society and how forensic science helps make the world the safer place!
27th September 2023
Advanced questioned document imaging technique can reveal the order in which ink layers are added to handwritten and printed documents
foster+freeman authored publication details the use of VSC Photometric Stereo and Elastomeric Sensor Imaging to interrogate and analyse questioned documents to understand the sequence of activity level features - ink line intersections, toner/ink boundaries etc.
International collaboration will promote forensic excellence in India and beyond
Officials representing foster+freeman, the Indian National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU), and the British High Commission, met in Gandhinagar to sign a joint Memorandum of Understanding
Webinar – Fine Art, Fingerprints and Forgeries
In this webinar we will be exploring how forensic technology is being used by museums, galleries, and conservators to reveal hidden histories and separate masterpieces from masterfakes.
28th June 2023
Webinar – Technology Focus: Crime-lite AUTO
In this Webinar we will be exploring all things Crime-lite AUTO! We will explore multiple aspects of the AUTO, we will go in-depth into the hardware, have a look at the multiple applications of the auto and showcase the range of the device. we will give you tips and tricks to using the device and explore the accessories for the device!
Forensic imaging technology meets powerful multi-spectral illumination in this complete solution to the search, detection, and capture of evidence.
30th August 2023
IAFS is a worldwide association of academics and practising professionals from several disciplines in forensic science, that include:
20th - 24th November 2023
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