Benvenuti a foster+freeman®
Da oltre 40 anni all’avanguardia nella tecnologia al servizio delle scienze forensi
Gli ultimi prodotti
Tecnologia d’avanguardia per le scienze forensi
Nuovo prodotto: MVC® FFLEX RANGE
Il nuovo standard di settore nelle camere di fumigazione per cianoacrilato
Nuovo prodotto: DISCOVER®
Scopri DISCOVER: un nuovo modo di massimizzare la ricerca, il rilevamento e l’imaging delle tracce sulla scena del crimine o in laboratorio
Crime-lite® AUTO
Visualizzazione ed evidenziazione semplificate delle impronte digitali
Crime-lite® LASER
La nostra fonte di luce ad oggi più avanzata
The latest updates from foster+freeman
Webinar – DCS 5 – The Complete Fingerprint Imaging System
DCS 5 is a comprehensive imaging system for the detection, capture, and enhancement of almost any type of fingerprint on any surface or background to ensure that maximum detail is revealed.
Used by leading forensic laboratories worldwide, DCS 5 includes all of the hardware and software components required to improve the visualisation of every type of fingerprint whether it be latent, contaminated or chemically treated.
Webinar – Crime-lite X – The Future of Handheld Forensic Illumination
At the crime scene or in the forensic laboratory, the Crime-lite X provides up to 175x wavebands of intense illumination for the detection and examination of physical evidence.
A complete ALS kit in a single light source, the Crime-lite X includes White, UV, Violet, Blue, Blue/Green, Green, Orange, Red and Infrared LEDs.
3rd June 2020
Webinar – Crime-lite ML PRO – Multi-spectral imaging for the detection and mark-up of body fluids
The Crime-lite ML PRO is the first in a new generation of evidence screening tools built to meet the demands of busy forensic laboratories tasked with processing large quantities of evidence. With fully-integrated UV-Vis-IR illumination and an ‘intelligent optics’ imaging system, the ML PRO can be used to mark-up evidence, detecting the presence of bodily fluids and locating minute fragments of trace evidence.
Webinar – Crime-lite AUTO – For the Detection and Imaging of Evidence at the Crime Scene
With the weight and feel of a high-quality DSLR camera, the Crime-lite AUTO is a fully-integrated search and with Crime-lite narrowband illumination. Simply operated via an integral touchscreen, the compact device is ideal for the search, detection, and photography of body fluids (fluorescence and IR examination), fragments of trace evidence, and treated fingerprints.
Webinar – RECOVER – Technology for the Development of Impossible Fingerprints
Cutting-edge technology to develop fingerprints on a range of difficult surfaces including those that have been exposed to extreme heat (discharged bullet casings for example) and items that have been washed ‘clean’ in an attempt to prevent identification.
Webinar – Innovation Focus – Building a New Generation of Forensic Technology
The success of foster+freeman is based on the company's ability to create new and innovative solutions that meet the unique requirements of forensic examination.
In this webinar, we will be looking at some of the innovations pioneered by foster+freeman during the past 40-years, as well as examining how the company is investing heavily in the research and development of a new generation of forensic science technology.
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