Benvenuti a foster+freeman®
Da oltre 40 anni all’avanguardia nella tecnologia al servizio delle scienze forensi
Gli ultimi prodotti
Tecnologia d’avanguardia per le scienze forensi
Nuovo prodotto: MVC® FFLEX RANGE
Il nuovo standard di settore nelle camere di fumigazione per cianoacrilato
Nuovo prodotto: DISCOVER®
Scopri DISCOVER: un nuovo modo di massimizzare la ricerca, il rilevamento e l’imaging delle tracce sulla scena del crimine o in laboratorio
Crime-lite® AUTO
Visualizzazione ed evidenziazione semplificate delle impronte digitali
Crime-lite® LASER
La nostra fonte di luce ad oggi più avanzata
The latest updates from foster+freeman
Webinar – Trace Evidence Analysis – Examination and Identification of Unknowns
Providing accurate and repeatable results to examiners, our trace evidence analysis range of instruments provide facilities to compare and identify fragments of evidence using techniques including, GRIM glass analysis; UV-Vis-IR Micro spectrometry; Fluorescence imaging etc.
Webinar – Recent Advances in Fingermark Imaging Technology
Forensic science practitioners, crime scene examiners, academics and researchers attended a 1-day ‘virtual symposium’ to share in the latest research in Fingermark Detection and Examination.
An opportunity to learn more about new technologies and techniques in the field of forensic fingerprint examination, the seminar presentations will be of great interest to anyone involved in crime scene investigation or forensic laboratory examination.
Webinar – Detect More Evidence
Forensic science practitioners, crime scene examiners, academics and researchers attended a 1-day ‘virtual symposium’ to share in the latest research in Fingermark Detection and Examination.
An opportunity to learn more about new technologies and techniques in the field of forensic fingerprint examination, the seminar presentations will be of great interest to anyone involved in crime scene investigation or forensic laboratory examination.
Webinar – An Introduction to fingermark Development
Forensic science practitioners, crime scene examiners, academics and researchers attended a 1-day ‘virtual symposium’ to share in the latest research in Fingermark Detection and Examination.
An opportunity to learn more about new technologies and techniques in the field of forensic fingerprint examination, the seminar presentations will be of great interest to anyone involved in crime scene investigation or forensic laboratory examination.
Webinar – Getting the Best Out of Cyanoacrylate Fumed Marks – Fuming, Illumination and Imaging Techniques
Cyanoacrylate or 'superglue' fuming is one of the most widely used techniques in forensic fingerprint laboratories worldwide.
First discovered in the late 1970s, the method of heating 'glue' to the point that it evaporates, binding itself to any latent fingermarks, is so simple and effective that there has been very little reason for it to change during the 40+ years it has been in use.
However, while the method of fuming may not have changed, there have been significant advances in the way that we visualise and examine the resulting marks...
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