Benvenuti a foster+freeman®
Da oltre 40 anni all’avanguardia nella tecnologia al servizio delle scienze forensi
Gli ultimi prodotti
Tecnologia d’avanguardia per le scienze forensi
Nuovo prodotto: MVC® FFLEX RANGE
Il nuovo standard di settore nelle camere di fumigazione per cianoacrilato
Nuovo prodotto: DISCOVER®
Scopri DISCOVER: un nuovo modo di massimizzare la ricerca, il rilevamento e l’imaging delle tracce sulla scena del crimine o in laboratorio
Crime-lite® AUTO
Visualizzazione ed evidenziazione semplificate delle impronte digitali
Crime-lite® LASER
La nostra fonte di luce ad oggi più avanzata
The latest updates from foster+freeman
Webinar – Arson Investigation Techniques – Detecting and Examining Evidence Following a Fire
A demonstration of how forensic light sources and the foster+freeman family of fingerprint examination systems may be used to investigate arson scenes.
Webinar – Infrared Fingermark Detection and Examination – Suppress Backgrounds to Reveal High-Contrast Fingermarks
An in-depth examination of fpNatural fingerprint powders and how they are helping examiners to reveal fingermarks on difficult evidence types including polymer banknotes.
Webinar – Crime-lite Forensic Light Sources – For the Detection and Examination of Body Fluids
This webinar will include comprehensive demonstrations of our latest range of high-intensity narrowband forensic light sources for the detection of body fluids including semen, saliva, sweat and vaginal fluids at the crime scene and in the laboratory.
Webinar – Alternative Solvent Carrier Solvent for Fingermark enhancement Reagents
Forensic science practitioners, crime scene examiners, academics and researchers attended a 1-day ‘virtual symposium’ to share in the latest research in Fingermark Detection and Examination.
An opportunity to learn more about new technologies and techniques in the field of forensic fingerprint examination, the seminar presentations will be of great interest to anyone involved in crime scene investigation or forensic laboratory examination.
Webinar – Fuming Fingermarks
Forensic science practitioners, crime scene examiners, academics and researchers attended a 1-day ‘virtual symposium’ to share in the latest research in Fingermark Detection and Examination.
An opportunity to learn more about new technologies and techniques in the field of forensic fingerprint examination, the seminar presentations will be of great interest to anyone involved in crime scene investigation or forensic laboratory examination.
Webinar – Understanding Fingerprint Development
Forensic science practitioners, crime scene examiners, academics and researchers attended a 1-day ‘virtual symposium’ to share in the latest research in Fingermark Detection and Examination.
An opportunity to learn more about new technologies and techniques in the field of forensic fingerprint examination, the seminar presentations will be of great interest to anyone involved in crime scene investigation or forensic laboratory examination.
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